
Sunday, January 13, 2019

It's Time To Change.

Dear Friends, Readers, Viewers & Listeners,

I began The #HollowNet podcast on the Lanterns Media Network almost two years ago with a vision of creating a different kind of conservative podcast/talk-show. Despite the best intentions I had, the product that I've been creating has been seriously insufficient in that respect. Try as I might to be unique, I find myself sounding a lot like many other voices on the right, calling out the stories that boil my blood, confound my reason and bring gloom to my soul. I comment on these stories weekly, providing snippy acerbic responses, wash, rinse & repeat. It just isn't good enough, and now something has to change.

As many of you may know but some may not, The #HollowNet as of last week was the only remaining active podcast on The Lanterns Media Network roster. Some shows have taken hiatus, some have moved on to different networks where I will continue to follow them and wish them success and happiness while others have simply ceased production with no announcement or ceremony. That last bit, is not what I'm doing now.

As I said, this needs to change. I cannot continue bringing you The #HollowNet Podcast such as it is in it's current form, when I look at this website I see two things, over a year's worth of good work yes, but also... a monument to my ego & vanity. I have so many questions that I need to answer before I can come before you again and ask you to read, watch & listen to my content, let alone support it (in no particular order):

  • Is what I am creating of sufficiently high quality as to be worthy of your time, attention and support?
  • Is what I'm creating helping? Locally? Regionally? Nationally?
  • Am I bridging the ideological gulf or widening it?
  • Am I educating people or simply reinforcing their echo chambers?
  • Am I providing new and valuable insight with nuance or have I become another partisan hack?
  • Is what I am creating pleasing to the Lord?
  • Is what I am producing worthy of the time taken away from my family and from gainful pursuits that can increase their quality of life?
  • Is what I'm doing to create this content healthy? ( So much of what I read and watch in order to create content is very damaging to the soul.)
I cannot answer these questions right now. And it may take me some time before I can. Thought, prayer, humility and grace will be required. Thank you all for sticking with me these last 12 months, through ups and downs, I know some of you have been with me even longer and I cannot thank you enough.

Know, that I have every intention to continue creating content for you, whether it takes the form of a podcast, short-form Youtube/Bitchute videos or more writing I cannot yet say. But this is not the end, not for The #HollowNet and not for me, it is simply as I said: Time To Change. Until then my friends, God bless you & God bless The United States of America.

Matthew D. Holloway
"A Deux lux Nostra"

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